Unmatched driving experiences

Choose your ticket below in our WEBSHOP  below and you are on your way to a unique NÜRBURGRING experience! 

Click on the ticket you like to buy in our webshop.

Still not sure and have questions? Send us an e-mail and we will contact you 


All prices include 19% VAT. German VAT rules apply. Tickets are sold net to companies provided you enter a correct VAT number in the international format. For companies in the EU, reverse charge apply. Payment is made via  credit car or bank transfer in Euro with an invoice to a company.  If you have any questions regarding invoicing, let us know and we are happy to help

We at Mollehem AB (founded 2001) are the owners of the Scuderia Hanseat brand and organize the Scuderia Hanseat driving training courses (more  info in the footer)  For the avoidance of doubt, Der Betreiber dieser Page ist nicht Rechtsnachfolger der insolventen Scuderia Hanseat Gesellschaft für sicheres Autofahren mbH. We have no legal or commercial connection to the German company in bankruptcy or it's owners.


Both the Driver & the Co-driver ticket includes morning coffee, lunch, refreshments and dinner for Day 2-4 (Monday to Wednesday). In addition, dinner Day 1 (Sunday) is also included. Day 1 to Day 3, you pay for your choice of drinks at the table. For dinner Day 4, the Award night, drinks are included but drinks in the bar are extra.


This ticket is for you and your car having a great time during the course including Section training, Free practice and Final lap


This ticket is for your Co-driver. You can share the driving during the Section training and Free practice as you like and go with each other as passengers. The Final lap is for one person, Either you or your Co-driver. There is no Vorstarter/Pre-starter routine available for your Co-driver.